Eons Lost: Arrival v1.0.2 Details

Eons Lost: Arrival v1.0.2 has been released for Android and iOS. It contains a number of bugfixes and other minor edits:

  • A minor targeting bug previously existed with three specific player actions: Column Magic, Row Magic, and Slip Strike. When selected, the player was able to target protagonists. This has been resolved.
  • Overworld sprites are now packed into paged assets, greatly reducing draw calls and improving overall performance. On some maps, draw calls were reduced by roughly 700%. Improved framerate and battery usage is noticeable because of this optimization.
  • Layer blending caused visual bugs on some devices, most notably on iPhone 5. Modifications were made to map compression, graphics API settings, and camera rendering in order to remove these unwanted visual quirks.
  • A bug that caused damage text to only appear for one frame on some devices has been resolved.
  • Some tutorials reworded.
  • Credits updated.

We'd like to thank everybody who reported these bugs to us. We appreciate your patience throughout the development process!

Follow @3HalvesGames and @EonsLost for further updates.

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